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Barrel Racing
Barrel racing provides a venue where both men and women can gather for fellowship and friendly competition. Barrel racing is about cooperation between horse and rider and serves as an example of the daily Christian walk. Participants learn confidence in themselves and their horse which translates to the Christian life. Riders must have their own horse with a negative Coggins. Participants are competing in the arena with each other and the clock. Barrel racing at CCEC may be the only place where a participant may see Christ at work and be assisted in staying on track or starting a relationship with Jesus Christ and Christ followers. “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18: 20) Barrel Racing meets every Tuesday 6:30pm to 8:30pm.
Bass Club
Bass Club strives to bring the gospel to the unchurched angler community through Christian fellowship and competitive bass fishing. We share the gospel and testimonies at each tournament and call others to be fishers of men.

Binding Circle
The Binding Circle is a ministry that provides stitched items of comfort to children, elderly, and victims of disaster. Anyone interested in sewing and quilting is welcome. We include novice as well as experienced quilters to fellowship and stitch a wide variety of items for donation to the community. All you need is a giving heart and a few sewing supplies. We provide the fabric which has been generously donated to our group. Binding Circle meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10am in the classroom inside the Worship Building.
Bridge to Recovery
Bridge to Recovery is a Bible-centered recovery/discipleship program that challenges you to measure your life and your way of thinking by the Standard of God’s Word. Any thoughts or actions that are contrary to the Bible can become strongholds, and eventually strongholds will become addictions. B2R meets every Friday night at 7pm in the Children's Building.

Thursday night Buckout is a time for people of all ages to ride bulls, broncos, or maybe just do a little “mutton busting.” All livestock is age appropriate, so whether an expert in need of practice, a beginner wanting to learn, or just a spectator, everyone is welcome. Because the Cowboy Church is about relationships with Jesus Christ and our fellow man, there will be a gospel message at half time. Because we are about relationships, we need others to adhere to certain guidelines that will honor God, show respect for others and help to create an environment that will minister to the needs of the Church body and the local community. Our guidelines are designed to give clear written direction to ensure that our Arena ministries encourage a safe Christian environment for fans, contestants and staff. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19) Buckout Registration opens at 6pm on Thursday night, and we start bucking at 7pm.
Bulletin Team
The Bulletin Team prepares the bulletins and any other important handout information each week to be issued at the doors of the church each Sunday morning during services. "Prepare the way for the Lord's coming. Clear the road for him!" Matthew 3:3

Calf Roping
The Calf Roping ministry is designed to bring calf ropers and their families to a relationship with Jesus Christ by using roping events as a place for worship. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” (Hebrews 10:24)
Cowboy Kids
Cowboy Kids is a time where children meet and engage in games, Bible study, discipleship and learn the foundations of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Cowboy Kids meet on Sundays during both the 8:30am & 10:30am services in the Children's Building.

Grief Share
Grief Share is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences: The loss of a loved one. Our Grief Share Ministry meets every Wednesday evening at 7pm in the Worship Center Classroom.
Heart to Heart
Heart to Heart is a group of ladies from different walks of life who love to get together to talk about and study the Word of God.
Heart to Heart meets in-person and via zoom on Thursday nights at 7pm.
Heart to Heart meets in-person and via zoom on Thursday nights at 7pm.

Hidden Miracles
Hidden Miracles is a chance for the parents or caregivers of special needs family members to get a much needed break. This is a FREE service. Respite Nights are held the first Saturday of each month (excluding January, June, July and August). The drop off time starts at 4pm and pick up is at 7:30pm. This event requires pre-registration to guarantee that we staff it with enough volunteers.
Hospitality Team
The Hospitality Ministry is the church's first effort of friendliness and kindness. The Hospitality Ministry is a team who serve CCEC while using their gifts and talents at events, funeral receptions, & church-wide events. If you enjoy planning, decorating, food presentation or more, we would love to have you on our team. “I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward.” Mark 9:41

Joy Walkers
Joy Walkers are a group of women of all ages who come together for Bible study and fellowship. The study of God’s Word leads to knowing God better, living as followers of Jesus Christ, loving one another, and ministering to those in need. Joy Walkers meet every Wednesday morning from 10am-11:30am in the Children's Building and via zoom.
Junior Ranchers
Junior Ranchers offers a time for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders to come together for the purpose of fellowship, fun, and discipleship. Actively pursuing and loving children with the love of Christ, it is our goal to see kids grow in a relationship with Christ Jesus and to teach biblical disciplines that promote disciples reaching others with the love of Christ. Junior Ranchers occurs every week on Wednesday from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the Children's Building.

The purpose of the Landscape Ministry Team is to believe that God will provide everything needed to keep His house looking beautiful and to find joy in the work to make it so. The Team strives to keep God’s house a beautiful and inviting place to worship. “Therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24)
Lord's Wranglers
The focus of The Lord's Wranglers is to introduce and grow children and their parents in the Lord, through teaching them the basic skills of horsemanship. The Lord's Wranglers meet at 9:30am the 2nd Saturday of each month (March-December) in the CCEC Arena.

Are you experienced in photography, graphic design, sound production or videography? The CCEC Media Ministry Team is looking for members. If you are interested in joining the team, please contact our Media Coordinator, Kaitlyn Shaw at
Men's Prayer Breakfast
The Men’s Prayer Breakfast Ministry team provide a time of fellowship, food and prayer for the men and boys of CCEC on a monthly basis. Breakfast is provided and an informal time of fellowship, Bible devotion or a special speaker encourages those in attendance. It is one of the best places to meet and get acquainted with other men, but more than that, it is one of the most spiritual and meaningful times in the life of CCEC. A time of prayer, both public and personal is observed. Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20) Men's Prayer Breakfast meets the 1st Saturday of every month at 8am in the Children's Building.

Men's Prayer Meeting
The Men’s Early Morning Prayer Time ministry was organized to provide a time and place for men to come together as a body to worship God and pray. The group meets from 6:00am-8:00am on Wednesday of each week. The mid-week meeting offers a means to feed the soul, grow spiritually in our relationship with God and our fellow men. The group receives encouragement, support and accountability through both biblical and personal relationships formed in the group. “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20)
Pole practice provides a venue for participants to improve their pole runs in a laid back environment. Participants must have their own horse with a negative coggins. Pole bending requires clear communication between the horse and rider to complete a smooth and fast pattern. The rider must listen to their horse as much as they expect their horse to listen to them. Just as we need to remember to listen for direction from God and not just expect God to listen when we ask for what we want in our Christian walk. CCEC is a place where participants may receive encouragement when they are struggling with all types of problems and how having a relationship with Jesus can affect their lives. "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up." (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

Ranch House Youth
Ranch House Youth is actively pursuing and loving teenagers with the love of Christ. It is our goal to see students grow in a relationship with Christ Jesus and to teach biblical disciplines that promote disciples reaching others. Ranch House Youth meets on Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm in the Ranch House.
Sign Language
The Sign Language Ministry provides interpreting services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals who attend CCEC. Interpreting is available during the 10:30am Sunday service and any other service or special event where Deaf/HOH may be in attendance. Sign Language Class meets on Thursday nights from 6pm-7pm. These classes teach basic conversational sign language that would allow a beginning signer to interact with the Deaf. The classes are free of charge, open to the public, and also provide an opportunity for Deaf/HOH to interact socially in a casual environment. Isaiah 29:18 "In that day the deaf will hear words read from a book, and the blind will see through the gloom and darkness." (NLT)

Team Roping
The Team Roping ministry is designed to bring team ropers and their families to a relationship with Jesus Christ by using roping events as a place for worship. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” (Hebrews 10:24) Team Roping practice is on Monday nights at 7:30pm in the CCEC Arena.
Veterans Support Ministry
The Cowboy Church of Ellis County Veterans Support Ministry serves the
spiritual needs of veterans, active-duty military, and their family members at
CCEC. We know and boldly proclaim that all grace, strength, and healing
comes from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through His grace we will have a place that provides opportunities for spiritual growth and healing. We will
be an outreach to the Ellis County veteran community, through visitation and
sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
spiritual needs of veterans, active-duty military, and their family members at
CCEC. We know and boldly proclaim that all grace, strength, and healing
comes from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through His grace we will have a place that provides opportunities for spiritual growth and healing. We will
be an outreach to the Ellis County veteran community, through visitation and
sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Women of Grace
Women of Grace exists to encourage and empower all women to learn their strengths and God given talents. In doing so, they grow in Christ to apply the gospel and in aspects of their daily life.
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